How to connect wallet?

Install MetaMask

1. Visit

2. Click on “Download”

3. Click “Install MetaMask for Chrome”. You will be directed to Chrome Web Store.

5. Click “Add to Chrome”

6. On the pop up, click “Add extension”

Create an account in MetMask

1. Click the favicon (the circular account image) at the top right of your wallet

2. Enter your preferred account name (or keep default otherwise) on the New Account page

3. Click “Create”

4. A new MetaMask account has been created

Connect Chacha to your wallet

1. Open MetaMask plug-in

2. Click the favicon (the circular account image) at the top right of your wallet

3. Click “Settings”➡️ “Networks” ➡️“Add networks”

4. Choose your preferred crypto network and fill in the network information as listed below:

Network name: BSC

RPC Url:

Chain ID: 56

Network name: IOTEX

RPC Url:

Chain ID: 4689

5. Click “Save”

6. Once you’ve confirmed entry of the new network, go back to Chacha official website

7. Your wallet address will appear on the upper-right corner

8. You can switch different crypto networks by clicking “IOTEX” or “Binance Smart Chain”

Last updated